Make a Donation by Mail
Mertonians and friends of Merton College in the U.S. can make fully tax-deductible gifts for the benefit of Merton College by mailing a check to MC3, which is recognized by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service as a registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
All checks may be made out to “Merton College Charitable Corporation” or “MC3” and mailed to:
Merton College Charitable Corporation
c/o Administrator
P.O. Box 9750
McLean, VA 22102
In the memo line of the check, please indicate your preference for any program(s) where you wish to designate your gift. If the check is a general contribution, please write “unrestricted” in the memo line.
Note for international checks: Although we may be able to accept them, international check fees and/or currency conversion fees may apply as the MC3 bank is based in the United States. If you have any questions, please Contact Us.